2.12.09 by Chay-Ya
1.12.07 by Chay-Ya
Scott filmed the last spill, i wonder what will happen to the footage, would be cool to share it.
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15.11.07 by Chay-Ya

A very special edition of SPILL OVER WITH THIS NOISE is taking place on sunday week,
the 25th of november, in the warehouse I live in
this one will be less of a sprawling poetic exploration of a moment...
and more like...
a loosely scripted immersion in a series of things unfolding in the present moment.
I hope you can come it'll be rad
and there will be snacks and love.
and an orchestra.
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1.11.06 by Chay-Ya
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21.8.06 by Chay-Ya
words trickling down the walls
spilt wine on the carpet
sticky warm honey covered popcorn
this is a work in progress
watch me progressing
forgetting words and the tune we were playing
and then just flying with it and seeing where else it could go
performing poetry on the floor
kneeling on knees
eyes closed
notes strummed
vibrations echoing into eardrums
being right inside the sounds
right inside this life
and it spilling over.
We had a gig last night, Spill Over With This Noise. I think it was one of the most beautiful gatherings of people sharing their words and sounds and love I have been apart of and in. Yes. Im sure you enjoyed it if you were there. Here are some orange coloured visuals. An interesting way to view sounds. Maybe we'll do it again sometime.

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8.8.06 by Chay-Ya

Having an early evening of poems and music soon. Come if you would like too. Alice is coming over from Tassie for the weekend and will share her thoughts through potent words, the spoken kind and Guns of Saint Sebastion will come down the road and play "beautiful music awkwardly" with harp, glockenspiel, drums and noises. Other things will happen, you'll have to be there to find out.
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1.8.06 by Chay-Ya
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17.7.06 by Chay-Ya
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